Monthly Archives: February 2023

Goodbye to Zane & Meiyan

One of the saddest parts of being in a lab, is we become family, but yet people do have to move on with their lives. On one hand, it’s great we end up with friends sprinkled all around the world, but sometimes you just really miss them. And since the last website update, both Zane and Meiyan have moved on to new adventures. Truly, I am so happy for them. Zane and his family have moved down to San Diego were he now is a staff scientist in the Oegema/Desai lab. Finally, his kids can wear shorts all year and have it not being weird and cold! Meiyan and her family are also in warmer climates as they have moved down to Florida, specifically the University of Florida, where her and her husband will continue their research! We all wish them luck, happiness, and success in their new adventures.

The lab gives a farewell toast to Zane.

David says goodbye to Meiyan.


Congratulations to Julia and Jonathan for their paper reconstitution kinetochore dynamics in yeast lysate

Major congratulations to them both, but because I (Julia) am writing this, I mainly want to heavily emphasize and thank Jonathan for all his hard work, kindness, patience, and perseverance in working with me. I couldn’t have imaged having a better mentor throughout grad school and I feel like our paper together is something I am truly proud of. It’s our friendship in publication form! Just kidding reader, it’s very much a normal science paper. BUT it is very cool. Check it out if you love microtubule dynamics, kinetochores, reconstitution, motors and especially THE COMBO OF ALL 4! Also I love talking about this data so feel free to reach out anytime if you have a question!

peekaboo kinetochore that didn’t make publication but I loved

Congratulations to Meiyan and Cyna on their paper regarding asymmetric force production during CME

Congratulations again to Meiyan and Cyna on their beautiful publication and all their hard work. A wonderful collaboration to witness in the lab, Meiyan a stem cell CRISPR editing cell biology wizard and Cyna the statistics quantitative imaging master. Combine the two of them together? Well, read the paper and find out. But, to spoil it a bit, they do beautiful imaging and very thorough quantification to show asymmetrical force production in CME.

“An updated schematic model of actin-negative and actin-positive clathrin-coated pits in human cells.”