Former Lab Members

Names are links to LinkedIn profiles which are likely to be more up-to-date.

Former Postdocs

Postdoc Name Start End Current Position (Title, Dept, Inst/Company)
Akamatsu, Matt 2015 2022 Faculty, University of Washington
Aldaz, Hector 2005 2009 Field Application Scientist, Nanomedical Diagnostics, Inc.
Ayscough, Kathryn 1993 1996 Faculty, University of Sheffield, UK, Link
Barroso, Consuelo 2001 2003 Staff Scientist, University of Sheffield, UK
Belmont, Lisa 1996 2000 Director, Biology, IDEAYA Biosciences
Buser, Christopher 2007 2011 Senior Faculty, Oak Crest Institute of Science
Carreno, Sebastien 2001 2005 Faculty, Universite de Montreal, Canada, Link
Chang, Fred 1995 1996 Faculty, UCSF, Link
Cheng, Jackie 2006 2012 Associate Director, Precision For Medicine
Cope, Jamie 1996 1999 VP, Translational Medicine, Reset Therapeutics
Cormier, Anthony 2009 2013 Specialist, UCSF
Cortesio, Christa 2010 2015 Scientist, Amgen
Dambournet, Daphne 2012 2018 Cell line engineer, Memphis Meats
Doyon, Jeff 2007 2010 Infectious Diseases physician, Penn Medicine
Gall, Walter 2002 2003 Global Director, Digital Health-Saffron Cognitive Group-Digital Health, Intel Corporation
Goode, Bruce 1995 2000 Faculty, Brandeis Univ. Link
Grassart, Alex 2010 2014 Unite Pathogénie Microbienne Moléculaire, Institut Pasteur, France
Hong, Sun Hae 2012 2015 Scientist, Counsyl
Jin, Meiyan 2017 2022 Research Assistant Scientist, University of Florida
Kaksonen, Marko 2002 2006 Faculty, University of Geneva, Link
Kaplan, Charlotte 2014 2019 Post-Doctoral Research Scientist, AbbVie
Kessels, Michael 1997 1999 Research Group Leader, Research Institute of the FSU Jena / Institute for Biochemistry I, Germany Link
Kishimoto, Takuma 2006 2010 Associate Professor, Hokkaido University | Hokudai · Institute for Genetic Medicine
Kozminski, Keith 1995 2002 Faculty, University of Virginia, Link
Lappalainen, Pekka 1995 1997 Institute Director, University of Helsinki, Finland, Link
Lasek, Amy 1998 2000 Faculty, University of Illinois at Chicago, Link
Le Blanc, Isabel 2004 2008 Lecturer, University of California, Berkeley
Le Clainche, Christophe 2003 2005 Group Leader, CNRS, Paris, France
Lee, Linda 2004 2007 Admissions Coordinator, University of British Columbia
Lewellyn, Eric 2010 2014 Assistant Professor, St. Norbert College, Link
Li, Rong 1993 1995 Faculty, Johns Hopkins Link
Lila, Thomas D. 1991 1997 Scientist – Translational Oncology, Celgene Corporation
Liu, Jian 2007 2009 Associate Professor, Johns Hopkins University, Link
Lu, Michelle 2013 2020 CSO and co-founder, Novel Farms, Inc.
Marks, Jessica 2013 2017 AAAS Science & Technology Policy Fellow
Miao, Yansong 2010 2014 Assistant Professor, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, Link
Michelot, Alphée 2008 2012 Group Leader, CNRS, Marseille, France
Nix, David 2000 2003 Research Assistant Professor, Dept. Oncological Sciences, Co-Director Bioinformatics Shared Resource, Huntsman Cancer Institute and the University of Utah, Link
Pauly, Barbara 2005 2008 Director of Fellowships, Human Frontier Science Program
Peng, Connie Yutian 2007 2014 Senior Scientific Researcher, Genentech
Schöneberg, Johannes 2018 2020 Assistant Professor of Pharmacology and Chemistry & Biochemistry, UC San Diego, Link
Sekiya-Kawasaki, Mariko 2000 2003 Postdoctoral Fellow at RIKEN, Japan
Siekhaus, Daria 1999 2003 Group Leader, IST, Austria, Link
Stimpson, Helen 2006 2010 Communications Consultant, Oxford PharmaGenesis
Stirling, Peter 2007 2008 Faculty, British Columbia Cancer Agency and University of British Columbia, Canada. Link
Stoops, Emily 2013 2018 Scientist, Calico Life Sciences
Sun, Yidi 2001 present Research Specialist, University of California, Berkeley
Toshima, Jiro 2002 2006 Faculty, Tohoku University, Japan, Link
Toshima, Junko 2002 2006 Researcher, Tohoku University, Japan
Weiss, Eric 2001 2003 Faculty, Northwestern University, Link
Westermann, Stefan 2002 2006 W3 Faculty, University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany, Link
Ye, Anna 2018 2021 Scientist, Hexagon Bio
Young, Brian 2005 2009 Faculty, University of San Francisco, Link
Zhang, Claire Xi 1999 2006 Faculty, Capital Medical University

Former Graduate Students



Grad Student Name Start End Current Position (Title, Dept, Inst/Company)
Cail, Bob 2015 2021 Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Pennsylvania
Carroll, Susheela 2005 2009 Clinical Scientist Associate, Genentech
Chamany, Katayoun 1991 1997 Faculty, The New School in New York, Link
Cheeseman, Iain 1997 2002 Faculty, MIT, Link
Cheng, Aaron 2007 2013 Head, Discovery Genome Editing, GSK
Duncan, Mara 1995 2001 Faculty, University of Michigan, Link
Eby, Jennifer J 1994 1997 Health Sciences Center Technology Transfer Office, University of Colorado
Engqvist-Goldstein, Asa E.Y. 1996 2001
Faust, Ann Marie 2005 2011 Research Investigator, Synthetic Biology at Novartis Institutes for BioMedical Research
Ferrin, Michael (Max) 2017 2023 Visiting Postdoc, Max Planck Institute for the Physics of Complex Systems
Gonzalez, Eric 2019 2020 Research Associate, Cell Line Engineering at Eikon Therapeutics
Hassinger, Julian 2013 2019 Life Science Specialist, L.E.K. Consulting
Hofmann, Christian 1992 1998 Director, Global Business Development – Neuroscience, Ophthalmology and Rare Disease at Roche
Holtzman, Doug 1989 1994 CSO, Icosavax
Houshmand, Pantea 2004 2007 Sr. International Manager, Molecular Point of Care, Roche
Ibarlucea Benitez, Itziar 2011 2017 Postdoctoral Associate, The Rockefeller University
Iwamoto, Yuichiro (Yui) 2017 2023 Scientist, Vitra Labs
Krefman, Nathaniel 2008 2015 Scientist, Amyris
Kunibe, Akemi 2010 2016 Life Sciences Consultant
Lee, Janet 1992 1998 Senior Research Associate, Purdue University
Lu, Rebecca 2010 2016 Scientist, EpiBiome
Machin, Nathan 1991 1995 Associate General Counsel, Intellectual Property & Litigation, Amgen Inc.
Martin, Adam C. 2000 2006 Faculty, MIT, Link
Moon, Anne 1990 1995 Vice President, Project Management, Aduro Biotech Inc.
Nakajima, Yuko 2002 2009 Postdoctoral Fellow, Brandeis University
Okreglak, Voytek Stanly 2003 2009 Principal Scientist at Altos Labs
Pedersen, Ross 2013 2019 Postdoctoral Associate, Carnegie Institution for Science
Pigula, Adrianne 2006 2014 Scientist, Intrexon Corporation
Rodal, Avital A. 1997 2002 Faculty, Brandeis U., Link
Shang, Ching 1995 2003 Research Scientist, Gilead Sciences
Shirazinejad, Cyna 2018 2023 Biological Data Scientist II, Eikon Therapeutics
Toret, Christopher P. 2002 2008 Postdoctoral Fellow at Institut de Biologie du Developpement de Marseille (IBDM)
Torvi, Julia 2018 2023 Scientist I, Allen Institute for Cell Science, Link
Vinh, Dani 1990 1995 Staff Scientist, University of Washington
Welch, Matthew 1989 1994 Faculty, UC Berkeley, Link
Weinberg, Jasper 2006 2014
Woodruff, Jeffrey 2005 2011 Faculty, UT Southwestern, Link
Yang, Shirley 1991 1996

Former Undergraduates


Undergraduate Name Start End Current Position (Title, Dept, Inst/Company)
Cai, Songlin (Lynn) 2021 2024
Deng, Dahlia
Kulkarni, Nikhil 2022 2024
Kuo, Jonathan
Li, Kathryn
Moayed, Arman 2020 2022
Moayed, Amir
Patel, Kareena
Teranishi, Emily
Vegesna, Karthik 2020 2022
Yan, Amy 2019 2022