Monthly Archives: June 2013

Microtubules and Mitosis Journal Club on Monday, June 24

For Microtubules and Mitosis Journal Club on April 25, members of the Drubin/Barnes Lab, Eva Nogales Lab, and Ahmet Yildiz Lab will discuss the following paper, selected by Stu Howes:

Synergy between XMAP215 and EB1 increases microtubule growth rates to physiological levels. Zanic M, Widlund PO, Hyman AA, Howard J. Nat Cell Biol. 2013 Jun;15(6):688-93. PMID: 23666085.

Zanic NCB 2013

Reaction scheme for an enzymatic reaction with two non-essential activators. The microtubule end is viewed as an enzyme that catalyses the reaction: tubulin in solution (substrate)→tubulin in the polymer (product) by providing a much more efficient pathway than direct incorporation into the lattice. XMAP215 and EB1 are viewed as two non-essential enzyme activators that accelerate the net rate of addition at the end. Filled arrows represent the flux of polymerization through a particular vertex. M, microtubule end; T, free tubulin; X, XMAP215; E, EB1.

Journal Club on Monday, June 17

For our Journal Club on June 17, Jessica Marks will present the following paper:

Iwamoto PNAS 2013

Hypothetical energy profiles for the closed and open transition states.

Amphipathic antenna of an inward rectifier K+ channel responds to changes in the inner membrane leaflet. Iwamoto M, Oiki S. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2013 Jan 8;110(2):749-54. PMID: 23267068.

Journal Club on Monday, June 3

For our Journal Club on June 3, Daphné Dambournet presented the following paper:

Divergent modes for cargo-mediated control of clathrin-coated pit dynamics. Soohoo AL, Puthenveedu MA. Mol Biol Cell. 2013 Jun;24(11):1725-34. PMID: 23536704.

Soohoo MBoC 2013

Model for divergent modes of cargo-mediated control of endocytosis by signaling receptors.

Microtubules and Mitosis Journal Club on Thursday, May 23

For Microtubules and Mitosis Journal Club on April 25, members of the Drubin/Barnes Lab, Eva Nogales Lab, and Ahmet Yildiz Lab discussed the following paper, selected by Anthony Cormier:

Tension sensing by Aurora B kinase is independent of survivin-based centromere localization. Campbell CS, Desai A. Nature. 2013 May 2;497(7447):118-21. PMID: 23604256.

Campbell Nature 2013

Model for mechanism of chromosome biorientation.

Journal Club on Monday, May 13

For our Journal Club on May 13, Christa Cortesio presented the following paper:

ER-to-plasma membrane tethering proteins regulate cell signaling and ER morphology. Manford AG, Stefan CJ, Yuan HL, Macgurn JA, Emr SD. Dev Cell. 2012 Dec 11;23(6):1129-40. PMID: 23237950.

Manford et al Dev Cell 2012

Localization of the ER marker Sec61-GFP in wild-type and Δtether cells (ist2Δ, scs2/22Δ, and tcb1/2/3Δ).