Enjoy a video of the disco pumpkin made by Yidi Sun at the Drubin/Barnes, Koshland, Brar, Ünal, and Ingolia Labs (Barker Hall) pumpkin carving party to celebrate Halloween 2014:
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[5/20/2013] Drubin/Barnes Lab Photo
Journal Club on Monday, February 6
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For our next Journal Club, Jasper Weinberg will be presenting the following paper:
A molecular switch on an arrestin-like protein relays glucose signaling to transporter endocytosis. Becuwe M, Vieira N, Lara D, Gomes-Rezende J, Soares-Cunha C, Casal M, Haguenauer-Tsapis R, Vincent O, Paiva S, Léon S. J Cell Biol. 2012 Jan 23;196(2):247-59. PMID: 22249293