Tag Archives: Aurora B

Journal Club on Monday, July 22

For Journal Club on July 22, Connie Peng presented the following paper:

Mps1 and Ipl1/Aurora B act sequentially to correctly orient chromosomes on the meiotic spindle of budding yeast. Meyer RE, Kim S, Obeso D, Straight PD, Winey M, Dawson DS. Science. 2013 Mar 1;339(6123):1071-4. PMID: 23371552

Meyer Science 2013

Meyer Science 2013


Journal Club on Thursday, July 26

For our next Journal Club, our summer undergraduate researcher Josh Johnson will present the following paper:

Aurora B dynamics at centromeres create a diffusion-based phosphorylation gradient.  Wang E, Ballister ER, Lampson MA.  J Cell Biol. 2011 Aug 22;194(4):539-49.  PMID: 21844210.

Centromeres (CB-mCherry) and chromosomes (YFP emission) for a single time point. (bottom) Color-coded YFP/CFP emission ratio at different time points. The timestamp (minutes and seconds) is relative to ZM washout at t = 0. Bar, 5 µm.