Tag Archives: Quantitative Fluorescence Microscopy

Microtubules and Mitosis Journal Club on Thursday, April 25

For our new Microtubules and Mitosis Journal Club on April 25, members of the Drubin/Barnes Lab, Eva Nogales Lab, and Ahmet Yildiz Lab discussed the following paper, selected by Nate Krefman:

Estimating the microtubule GTP cap size in vivo. Seetapun D, Castle BT, McIntyre AJ, Tran PT, Odde DJ. Curr Biol. 2012 Sep 25;22(18):1681-7. PMID: 22902755

Example EB1 comet from an EB1-EGFP LLCPK1 cell and the corresponding fluorescence intensity (FI) linescan, blue line.

Journal Club on Monday, October 15

For our Journal Club on October 15, Jay Ryoo presented the following paper:

The first five seconds in the life of a clathrin-coated pit. Cocucci E, Aguet F, Boulant S, Kirchhausen T. Cell. 2012 Aug 3;150(3):495-507. PMID: 22863004.

Schematic representation of the experimental setup and computational analysis